Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf is a Chinese animated television series which was created by Huang Weiming, Lin Yuting and Luo Yinggeng, and produced by Creative Power Entertaining. The show is about a group of goats living on the Green Pasture, Qing Qing Grasslands/Plains, and the story revolving around a clumsy wolf who wants to eat them. Toon Express Group owns the copyrights of the characters....
After losing their superpowers in the battle with Planet X, superheroes come together - they need to save the planet Xing from powerful monsters. It is possible to regain your superpowers and save your home planet only together....
A grand Superman game is underway in Star Ball. To everyone's surprise, an accident caused everyone except Happy Superman, Big Monster, and Zhang Lang to disappear. To find their missing friends, everyone embarked on an adventurous journey...