This is a story about an ordinary person who will go through fire and water to save his beloved wife. Computer engineer Lee Yan Long and his wife Chiu Cheuk Wing have an ordinary, blissful life. One morning, Lee Yan Long and Chiu Cheuk Wing are suddenly kidnapped by the triads. They claim that Lee Yan Long embezzled $100 million from them and demands that he return the money within 72 hours, or else they will kill Chiu Cheuk Wing! While reporting the incident to the police, the perplexed Lee Yan...
The Super Trio Series is a Hong Kong variety show produced by TVB. The series debuted in 1995, and remained in production for eighteen years due to its popularity. The show was hosted by Eric Tsang and his two assistants - Jerry Lamb and Chin Kar-lok. The show initially ended its run with the airing of the final episode on July 16, 2005. However, on March 9, 2008, the first episode of the show's spin-off series Super Trio Wonder Trip was aired; its main purpose was to introduce a series of new g...
Thirty years ago, hardened criminal Yip Siu-tin is arrested for armed robbery and sentenced to prison. Siu-tin’s daughter, who has handled the loot, changes her name to Cheung Sum-yuet and starts a new life. She also gets married to yacht company boss Yen Ho-yin. Meanwhile, Chong Chi-kiu is a kid left behind by an accomplice who has died because of the robbery. Kind-hearted Tang Sing-him becomes his foster parent. A traffic accident causes Chi-kiu and Sum-yuet to run into each other again. But t...
In a multidimensional domain, Poon Siu-yu enters the second dimension after her death in the first dimension, i.e. the mortal realm. She then joins Office of the Life Authority and becomes a novice “destiny administrator”. Siu-yu has to keep a close watch on food courier Chan Pei-ho, who is in the mortal realm. Pei-ho earns a meager living regardless of the weather. But his family members just do not care about him. He is already overwhelmed by life pressures, and he is also jinxed by “bad spiri...