Tells the story of the quartet formed by a friendly and bankrupt ex-football player, a rich and snobby surgeon, a powerful and arrogant executive and a scammer with a heart of stone. They are victims of a plane crash on the same day they met each other and end up dying. When they meet Death, they are told that their time to go has not yet come and that they must return to life to deal with their personal issues. However, Death warns that, in a year, one of them will actually die and the four dec...
Set at the turn of the year 2000, the series follows a group of friends at the end of their teenage years. Everything becomes even more dramatic when Beta dies, at the age of 17, on the night of their high school graduation....
"A Woman’s Fate” is about the story of three women who are stuck to social patterns that prevent them from being happy. Stella, after fifty years of marriage, notices she has given up on dreams to be the woman behind a “great man” and for motherhood. In an act of courage, she decides to get a divorce. Her daughter Lívia is a famous psychologist that, to try to make her jealous and manipulative husband happy, gives up on great opportunities. Cléo is a survivor who struggles against adversities im...
After her best friend Ícaro is found dead, aspiring rapper Malu sets out to unravel the truth behind his mysterious passing....