An epic tale of love, betrayal and scandal set in 1722 during the Qing Dynasty and told from inside the Imperial Harem - the story of one emperor and his countless women. In a world filled with treachery and corruption, who will truly win the Emperor's heart and reign supreme?...
During the War of Resistance, underground party member Li Sanqiang becomes the county magistrate of Wuze to complete a secret mission. He must outsmart both the Japanese forces and Chinese traitors in a high-stakes battle of wits....
Zhen Huan, a 17-year-old innocent introduced into the imperial court as the latest concubine of Emperor Yong Zheng. Her dreams of a new life of love and prosperity are swiftly dashed as she enters a dog-eat-dog world of treachery and corruption....
20 years of perseverance, hot-blooded teenagers finally become the people's hero....
A young man is accidentally transported back to the Tang Dynasty....