The story follows our heroine, Lin Xiao Xia, a grassroots girl from the countryside with a dream of jewelry design, but the pressure of life forces her to hide her true self behind a mask of lies. She meets our hero, Lu Yi Ze – a spoiled, arrogant and self-willed rich young master of a jewellery company who dreams of living his own carefree life. Two people of opposite backgrounds quickly become friends despite their awkward meeting; under his encouragement, Lin Xiao Xia begins to tear down he...
Three female students Ning Meng, Liu Zhen Zhen and Chen Xuan were called up to join the army together. After being honed by Qin Guan and other armed police special service officers and soldiers, they entered the "Special Service Eighth Group" and the many experiences shape them as they grow. Qin Guan is the captain of the eighth group of Secret Service. He is handsome, brave and good at fighting. He has high responsibilities and beliefs, but he is also a hot person on the inside. Ning Meng is a...
Liu Zixin’s picture-perfect marriage unravels when she uncovers her husband’s infidelity and hidden agenda. Seeking revenge, she hires private investigator Zhang Xiuqi, only to be confronted by Zhou Ping, who reveals that she had an affair with Zhang a year earlier. As Liu grapples with memory loss from a past accident, she begins to suspect Zhang’s true motives, leading her into a complex web of secrets and deception....