In a Toei Tokusatsu Fan Club series of original shorts, TV reporter Kiriko Nakazaki suddenly finds herself in the world of Kamen Rider Saber. Kiriko and Touma quickly discover they're trapped in a time loop as the Megid always revive after being defeated. Can Saber and Kiriko escape from the loop...?...
Koharu is a dull high school girl who is always alone. Her only hobby is making plastic models. One day, Koharu stops by a mysterious antique shop and purchases a plastic model gun and a toy figure named Alice. After spending the entire night assembling the gun, Koharu wakes up and witnesses bullets flying everywhere in school. She then meets Alice who moves like a human and tells her to get ready for a survival battle called "Girl Gun Fight", where she has to attack her schoolmates with a gun....
The show blends a fascination with historical samurai armor with elements of sensuality. A gravure idol initially appears in a full replica of samurai armor, removing pieces one by one, while the show provides insights into the era and the samurai who used it....