An animated series produced by Guangzhou Blue Arc Culture Communication Co. It is directed by Wang Wei. Now has produced two animation and a live-action web series....
RoboWarriors is a cartoon series produced by Guangzhou Blue Arc Culture Communication Co., Ltd....
Youthful life, embracing dreams, flying freely with a hot heart, requires unity, brave confrontation, maintenance of peace, and justice....
Dawn and Athas find a mysterious sleeping boy, Pandora, who suffers from amnesia after he comes around. When Pandora just arrives at Freewheel Town, he becomes the chasing target of an organization called Ancient Hunter Group, which demands of him to carry out the "Great Mission". Under the attack of Jin and his friends, Ancient Hunter Group is temporarily repelled. With the assistance of Jin and his friends, Pandora gradually gets used to life in this world and his skill on top is much improve...