The series is based on the romance novel of the same name, which is originally named Qin He Yi Kan (衾何以堪) by Mu Fu Sheng. The series revolves around the love story between Su Nianqin and Sang Wuyan, who go through difficulties and finally grab their happiness....
New entrepreneur Qiao Mu Sheng reunites with Su Nian, a high school classmate whom he has not seen for several years. Su Nian, who is already a magazine editor, does not hesitate to chase and block Qiao Mu Sheng for an interview....
Sweet and hilarious journey between the patriarch Duan Ruo Rou and the consortium's heir Lu Ao Tian, who accidentally became the "Son-in-Law" in Yunnan's semi-primitive tribe Huacheng....
Bu Hanlu is a high school girl who thinks her sister is abducted by aliens. She accidentally encounters Lin Qianyu, a handsome school bully, and they form a rough relationship. Eventually, the astronomy club attendees become a group of close friends and together inspire one another to realize their dreams and discover the real truth....