The events revolve around a tyrannical ruling family that has seized the reins of power in the country, and a conflict arises between two brothers, one of whom inherited the presidency from his father, while the axis of the conflict centers around power and influence in the country without taking into account what's good for it or the citizens....
Forced to flee Syria with his family after his son accidentally kills a man, Youssef, a reputable judge, soon finds himself faced with hitherto unimaginable choices....
A historical series embodying the character of Al-Zeer Salem, whose story happened in the pre-Islamic era. and presents the events of the Al-Basus War....
In Texas, Mo straddles the line between two cultures, three languages and a pending asylum request while hustling to support his Palestinian family....
The series tells the real events of the life of Imam Muhammad al-Shafi'i, and the difficulties he faced while trying to spread his message....
Years after escaping a dictated life, four estranged and offbeat sisters are forced to come together to find their suddenly-missing father. In their secret searching journey, secrets are revealed and more question marks are raised....