Tutti Pazzi Per Amore is an Italian television series that aired on Rai 1 from December 7, 2008 to January 1, 2012, consisting of three seasons. The show is set in Rome and follows the love story between a single father, Paolo Giorgi, and a single mother, Laura Del Fiore, and the adventures of the extended family that originates from their relationship. The main characters are Paolo Giorgi and his daughter Cristina, Laura Del Fiore and her son Emanuele and her daughter Nina. Around these main c...
Nemo Bandera (Amendola) is one of the most influential businessmen in Puglia. His assets originate from illicit trafficking whose proceeds were invested in Deep Sea, the profitable company inherited from his father-in-law and used as a cover. One day, all of Nemo’s certainties collapse: he discovers that he is suffering from Alzheimer’s. Shocked by the news, he decides to hide it while choosing who will inherit his empire....
Incantesimo is a long-running drama series on Italian television, broadcast on the RAI network. It is set in a hospital called Clinica Life in Turin, Italy, and revolves around the life of the doctors and nurses in the hospital. According to the official website, it is "interested in social themes, the incoherence of daily life, solidarity, love and passion, not forgetting moments of comedy". Incantesimo was first broadcast in March 1997, is now in its 10th series and has broadcast 400 episode...
Alice is a clumsy and passionate coroner resident. She fights between life and love complexities. Even tough she still has a lot to learn, she has a special quality: empathy with the victims that leads her to have crucial intuition in the cases that she works on....
Leonardo Cagliostro, a policeman, dies and decides to stay on Earth in order to find out more about the circumstances of his death and to save his wife, Anna, who's in danger....
An investigation into the fascinating universe that surrounds the figure of Mary of Nazareth....
Don Matteo is a thoroughly ordinary Catholic priest with an extraordinary ability to read people and solve crimes. He’s a parish priest who never met an unjustly accused person he didn’t want to help....
A serial killer targets a rich family that owns a banking group and kills them through an astrological ritual scheme. He leaves behind mysterious messages from Nostradamus, which he signs with the symbol of the zodiac. It will be the illegitimate daughter of the head of the family, Ester -- with the help of a skeptical commissioner -- to unravel the mystery, untangling herself in a dense web of intrigues that hide behind the powerful and respectable family....
Inspector Carlo Guerrieri, a veteran police officer from Rome, finds himself partnered with a rookie who was born in Ivory Coast but raised in the capital....
Il bene e il male is an Italian television series....
Il commissario is an Italian television series....
Anna and Mara return from a holiday abroad, and realize that Anis, a young Moroccan immigrant, managed to hide in their car in order to cross the border to Italy. At first unsure of what to do, they then decide to take him with them....
Guido, an acclaimed author, leads an idyllic life with his beautiful wife and teenage daughter. But despite his seemingly perfect existence, Guido's restless search for inspiration leads him into the arms of Giulia, a charming and mysterious swim instructor, who is hiding a secret from her past....
In a wonderful hotel on the seashore, preparations are underway for the wedding of Eleonora who will get married in the afternoon to Fabrizio, known as El Tigre. Each of the excited bridesmaids – Vanessa, Linda and Akiko (pregnant with Billo) – gives the bride an accessory to make her outfit more chic. Instead Polina, her mother, gives her a box of jewels: “they belonged to your poor father. The only thing we have left of him." Eleonora is stunned to see that inside her there is not a jewel as s...
The story of Antonio, an Italian clarinetist, and Martina, a Czech violinist, who fall in love with each other during the World War II, in Prague....
Producer Carlo Degli Esposti envisioned a trilogy on Liberty, focused on three key moments in the second half of the twentieth century: the repression of Bucharest in 1956, the Prague Spring and the Berlin Wall. The first, and only time delivery of this trilogy, is THE TUNNEL OF FREEDOM. A tunnel that allowed 36 people to circumvent the strict and repressive surveillance of newly erected Berlin Wall....
The film begins with the Annunciation: Mary, a young Galilean, virginal conceived the Messiah, the Son of God. Her husband Joseph, a humble carpenter, decided to stay by his side throughout. When Caesar Augustus ordered the Jews to register people, the couple embarks on a journey to Bethlehem, where Jesus was born. Meanwhile, Maria Magdalena, a young woman from the same town that Mary, turns away from God and placed in the palace of King Herod, Herodias where convinces her to lose her innocence ...
After the Arcangelo affair, the Pasti brothers, together with an eccentric half-sister they didn't know they had, have made a name for themselves as "gravediggers of VIPs" and are vying for a coveted category award never won before, the Vespillone D'oro. But the evaluation commission finds a gigantic hole in the company's books, which threatens to exclude them from the race for the award. But how is this possible? The answer is in Matteo Pasti's confession: he "borrowed" large sums from company ...
Three orphans that grew up in an institution and refused to be separated by adoption meet again after becoming adults at the wedding of one of them....
A serial killer targets a rich family that owns a banking group and kills some of its members through an astrological ritual scheme. At the crime scenes he leaves mysterious messages which he signs with the symbol of the zodiac....
Francesco and Claudia are best friends. They're inseparable and tell each other everything, until another man enters the picture stealing Claudia's heart. Francesco then realizes that friendship between man and woman is a complicated thing....
Rome, 1870. On the eve of the breach of Porta Pia a kidnapping shakes the Jewish Ghetto: a child disappears....
Desperate after losing her job, Alice starts a sexy webcam site with three friends. Successful at first, their new-found decadence sends them on a downward spiral of mutual resentment and dangerous excess....
A young woman wakes up inside the four walls of a garage. Inside the small space, a car exhales carbon dioxide. The one who locked her in the garage is a stranger who knows everything about her, about her past. And above all of what is most important in the world: her little daughter waiting for her at home. However, he does not reveal to her the reason why he imprisoned her but only the time she has available to save herself....
On Christmas Eve, three friends dressed as Santa Clauses are arrested in what seems to be a burglary and taken to the police, accused of being the infamous "Santa Claus Gang". While trying to prove their innocence, the trio explains why they found themselves in such a strange situation....
Alina, orphaned at a young age, discovers the murder of her sister Enrica, but the surprises aren't over because an Inspector reveals to her that her sister was a luxury call girl who got clients on the Internet. The hunt for the maniac begins....
A Medieval town surrounded by wild nature, a diver who is still fighting back against her past, a painter who blurs the distinction between life and art, a Japanese model who is used to play with her body. Three lives at stake, passion named after obsession, non-sense turning to reality....
Well-known writer Ettore takes his family on a mountain chalet getaway for his birthday, in an effort to create a bond between his two sons, Claudio and Giulio, and his second wife, Margherita. The group is also joined by Margherita's brother, Claudio's girlfriend, a Ukraininan cook and her daughter. When an internet outage strikes, a series of exciting adventures ensues....
A 2018 Italian language drama film directed by Giuseppe Petitto, starring Antonia Liskova....
Longtime friends and strangers mingle while spending the holiday on the snowy Slovakian mountains with an ample dose of ridiculousness and romance....
A talent agent with a truly talentless client roster, Ercole Preziosi finds himself in trouble when a car crash injures his star comedian, so he turns to his young plucky driver to do stand-up duty....
2035, United States of Europe. Some humans are not sustainable anymore....
Diana Liviatani is joined in her family house by her almost new boyfriend, Orlando who is going to meet her scary parents. Due to his insecure, clumsy and embarrassing personality, Orlando insists that his best friend Biagio goes along with him. The social gap between the two friends and the Liviatani family is obvious from the start. The Liviatani have been part of the high business class for generations. The misadventures and the personal problems distract the two unfortunate friends from the ...
A rough and seasoned playwright and his young, bright and good-looking companion are the opposite sides of the same mirror....
Five women celebrate one of the girl's bachelorette party but one of them doesn't show up....
In this romantic comedy sequel, Hana prepares for her perfect wedding in Croatia, but rollicking chaos ensues when her three best friends get involved....