The first heroes of the Super Sentai series! The heroes were brought together to defend the world from the Black Cross Army, who attempted to conquer the world. The five powers united as one to defeat the monsters....
Kotaro Higashi trained to be a boxer, but after an icident with Astromons, he was killed. However, his body was brought to Nebula M-78 where Mother of Ultra saved his life by joining him with Ultraman Taro. Taro had spent many years training, honing his skills based on those of the other Ultra Brothers to become strong. The two returned to earth as a new kaiju era was beginning....
Theatrical version of episode 25 of Ultraman Taro TV series....
Theatrical version of episode 1 of the 'Ultraman Taro' TV series....
Theatrical version of episode 11 of Ultraman Taro TV series : ZAT is on the case of a series of vampiric murders. While investigating, Kotaro meets a mysterious orphan girl, Kanae, who is always holding a bunch of red flowers. While he is out, Kenichi and Moriyama are attacked by a mysterious plant......