Union Square is a 1997 television sitcom that was broadcast on NBC for one season. It follows the story of a lawyer-turned-playwright in New York City, who attempts to gain inspiration from a host of characters populating the fictitious Union Square cafe in Manhattan, obviously inspired by the New York area of the same name. The show was originally supposed to be a vehicle for Cuban-American actress Mel Gorham. But after poor test screenings for the pilot, the producers decided to retool the sh...
It’s a show-within-a-show starring real-life mom video bloggers Judi Diamond and Kate Frisina, from St. Louis. Go inside their world (which might look a lot like your world!) for their unique take on motherhood. And boy, do they have a lot to say!...
Dave's World is an American sitcom that aired on CBS from 1993 to 1997. The series is based on the writing of Miami Herald columnist Dave Barry....