Swiss Family Robinson is a 1974-1975 Canadian television drama series, based on Johann David Wyss' novel The Swiss Family Robinson. The series consisted of 26 30-minute episodes, and diverged somewhat from the original novel. Only one season was produced, due to the development of a Swiss Family Robinson series in 1975 by ABC in the United States. This situation precluded sales of the Canadian series to the lucrative American market. Reruns, however, continued to be syndicated in Canada for man...
Griffin Conner, a med-school dropout having left in a haze of disgrace, is forced to return to Bethune General Hospital as its newest orderly and work alongside his family....
Residents of 28 Barbary Lane continue to navigate human life, flawed love, and blind hope in 1980's San Francisco....
Aided by his own remarkable abilities and an eclectic team of associates, real estate agent Luke Roman specializes in “metaphysically engaged properties,” aka haunted houses. Together they investigate, clear and close the houses nobody else can....
Ex-pro hockey player Matt Shade irrevocably changes his life when he teams up with fierce P.I. Angie Everett to form an unlikely investigative powerhouse....
Lonely inhabitants at 28 Barbary Lane search for love and identity, turning to each other in the hope of finding happiness in San Francisco....
An elite squad of detectives investigate high-profile crime and corruption in metro Toronto....
The funny, heartfelt story of The Kims, a Korean-Canadian family, running a convenience store in downtown Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Kim ('Appa' and 'Umma') immigrated to Toronto in the '80s to set up shop near Regent Park and had two kids, Jung and Janet who are now young adults. However, when Jung was 16, he and Appa had a major falling out involving a physical fight, stolen money and Jung leaving home. Father and son have been estranged since....
This three-hour prequel to the 2002 miniseries, "Trudeau", chronicles the coming of age of Canada's 15th Prime Minister and the forces that shaped his brilliant mind and fierce political will. Fatherless at 14, a thorn in the side of his Jesuit professors, the young Pierre Elliott Trudeau chafed under the suffocating pressures of the very conservative Quebec of the '30s and '40s. Iconoclast, gadfly, a restless traveler and ladies' man, he helped plant the seeds for Quebec's Quiet Revolution by c...
Alice De Raey is a newly minted attorney who joins the chaotic world of criminal justice in Toronto. She's exposed to the seamier side of life, the backroom deals that make the system work accompanied by the usual eccentric characters....
During the summer of 1955, seventeen-year-old Eric Hansen embarks on a journey in his new town, a journey which will change his life forever....
A Jewish boy grows up in 1920s Montreal with a grandfather who tells stories and a father who won't work....
After twenty years in prison, Foley is finished with the grifter's life. When he meets an elusive young woman named Iris, the possibility of a new start looks real. But his past is proving to be a stubborn companion....
After being kicked off a jury for arriving five minutes late, a troubled woman becomes obsessed with the verdict, which sent a woman her age to prison for life. As she fights to have the case reopened, her bond with the prisoner forces her to confront questions of guilt, justice and responsibility....
Pop-singer and actress Madonna's rise to fame is chronicled in this made-for-television movie. Terumi Matthews stars as the dancer-turned-musician, who came to New York City in search of fame and fortune. Based on the book "Madonna: Unauthorized", the docudrama follows Miss Ciccone's rocky road from the streets of New York to the top of the charts in the 1980s....
Charismatic, cunning, and utterly ruthless, Richard, Duke of Gloucester is the very embodiment of lethal ambition as he maneuvers and murders his way to the throne of England....
Filmmaker Jeffrey St. Jules reconstructs the story of his grandparents and their rugged frontier life in the logging towns of Northern Ontario. It is a genre twisting reflection on a fractured family history, which St. Jules infuses with myth and fact, joy and heartbreak....
An awkward teenage outcast finds unlikely companions in two aged residents of the retirement home in which she works....
After a near-death experience lights a flame within both Grandma and Grandpa, they decide to grab life by the boas and tell the world their deepest secret: they’re gay. Having lived under the guise of a straight relationship for decades, they’re coming out of the closet, ditching their small-town life, and going after their big gay dreams. First stop, the big city, to learn “how to be gay” from the best gay people they know – their grandchildren. Navigating the queer dating scene, dating apps, q...
Jarod takes a keen interest in an ancient symbol that may unlock secrets about his family. But Miss Parker is hot on Jarod's trail and about to make discoveries of her own. Their investigation leads to a remote Island off the Scottish coast, where a set of sacred scrolls, vital to the Centre, have been hidden – and protected – for centuries....
Married woman has brief affair with younger man who turns violent when she breaks it off....
"A truly remarkable performance!" - Charlie Chaplin In this rare and virtually unseen film we follow the exploits of Leroy Mahoney (Alexis Kanner) as he settles in the country leaving behind a wayward life to work his land. With plot only provided as subtext, the simple story is a dramatization of a man and his resolve to live a quite honest life farming. Mahoney’s Last Stand has only appeared on Canadian TV and in particular remains neglected, forgotten even, with no release even on VHS....
Henry, tracing his descent from Edward III, has claimed the French crown. Assured by the Archbishop of Canterbury that right is on his side, and needled by the Dauphin’s insolence, he prepares for war....