Clutch is an Esports drama that follows the lives of Arun, Adil, Prachi, Raunak and Jeetu as they navigate the world of gaming in India. Will this squad of misfits succumb to the pressures gamers face or will they rise above all odds?...
Newbie Constable Mandaar Ghorpade, nicknamed GIRPADE, follows in his father's footsteps and joins the police force as a lowly constable presiding over a rich Mumbai neighborhood. Girpade's father, Senior Constable Amol Ghorpade, died on the job while chasing the notorious criminal PHENYL MOHAN, who prides himself on being a master of disguise. Between his desire to apprehend Phenyl, his candid mother seeking purpose, his first love, and his quirky relationship with his Sub Inspector boss, Girpad...
Lenny, a crime reporter, makes a life-altering choice to pocket a case of stolen jewels to transform his mundane life. However, his good fortune takes a turn for the worse when he gets entangled with a big gangster. How will he get out of this mess?...