An epic tale of love, betrayal and scandal set in 1722 during the Qing Dynasty and told from inside the Imperial Harem - the story of one emperor and his countless women. In a world filled with treachery and corruption, who will truly win the Emperor's heart and reign supreme?...
While investigating an ancient painting that has been stolen, Luo Jian, who heads the criminal investigation team, crosses paths with genius university student Zhuang Wenjie who is from a family of thieves. The unlikely pair work together to crack the case....
Tian Mi was a pampered young woman with a rich and happy life, until her husband, Liu De'en, died suddenly, leaving her with an enormous debt. Overnight, Tian Mi's life went from heaven to hell. With the aid of Chang Sheng, a private bank account manager, Tian Mi plucked up the courage to embark on the long road to debt repayment. After several years of hard work, Tian Mi became self-reliant and an excellent financial planner, Together Tian Mi and Chang Sheng founded a wealth management compan...
In a bustling city, the House of Wonders offers mysterious items with extraordinary powers for visiting customers who seek solutions to their struggles....
Duanmu Ling, the last surviving member of the Dragon Sect, embarks on a journey to find the legendary Qingluan mirror and Lican sword, powerful heirlooms that could reunite the country. Disguised as the niece of a high official, she crosses paths with Prince Gao Changgong and Yuwen Yong, both of whom she grows close to, forcing her to choose between love and loyalty....
Zhen Huan, a 17-year-old innocent introduced into the imperial court as the latest concubine of Emperor Yong Zheng. Her dreams of a new life of love and prosperity are swiftly dashed as she enters a dog-eat-dog world of treachery and corruption....
At opposite ends of the Heavenly River, the Northern and Southern Emperors, rulers of life and death, make a wager during a game of strategy. To test the power of love, they cast the mystical Beidou Orb into the mortal realm, where it must face three lifetimes of trials and tribulations....