The documentary tells the story of Salah Adbeslam, from his childhood years in a warm nest in Sint-Jans-Molenbeek, about his radicalization, to his part in the bloody terror attack five years ago. Step by step, documentary maker Eric Goens takes the viewers into the subcutaneous world where jihadist leaders recruit petty criminals for their holy war. Salah Abdeslam was only one of them, but he became the face of evil....
Documentary series in which journalist Eric Goens follows the police forces of Hasselt, Sint-Niklaas and Aalst...
Every episode, one interesting Belgian visits "The House" ("Het huis") for 24 hours. In this imposing house with a pool, surrounded by a forest, in an unknown location, the visitor is "locked away" from the rest of the world for 24 hours. They are interviewed, dissected, confronted by the interviewer....
Jacques Vermeire and Urbain 'Urbanus' Servranckx, the two undisputed godfathers of Flemish laughter, exchange the church tower to travel the world together. An adventure where humor is never far away....