Relaciones Peligrosas, originally known as Fisico o Quimica, is a Spanish-language telenovela produced by United States-based television network Telemundo Studios, Miami. It is an adaptation of the Spanish television series Física o Química. It has Sandra Echeverría, Gabriel Coronel, Maritza Bustamante, Gonzalo García Vivanco, Jonathan Freudman, Mercedes Molto, Carlos Ferro, Daniela Navarro, Renato Rossini, Kevin Aponte and Ana Layevska in the leading roles of the plot....
Cosita Linda is an upcoming Spanish-language telenovela to be produced by Venevisión International in conjunction with Univision Studios. The telenovela will be an adaptation of the 2003 Venezuelan telenovela Cosita Rica written by Leonardo Padrón. Ana Lorena Sánchez and Christian Meier will star as the main protagonists while Pedro Moreno and Zuleyka Rivera will portray the main antagonists. Official production of Cosita Linda began on May 31, 2013....
Amantes de Luna Llena is a Venezuelan telenovela written by Leonardo Padrón for Venevisión in 2000. Ruddy Rodríguez and Diego Bertie starred as the main protagonists while Beatriz Valdés and Jorge Cao starred as the main antagonists....