The drama is shot from the perspective of women and tells a story about finding light in the darkness and embracing hope in motherhood. Lin Xu Zhi is a woman who doesn’t have a past. She was adopted and is still scarred from being abandoned by her birth mother. She’s an elementary school teacher that realizes one of her female students is receiving abuse from her mother. Her maternal instincts kick in, and she impulsively decides to bring the girl into her own care. In caring for the young girl...
In 2030, with the rapid development of science and technology, we ushered in a "fast" society, with increasingly fierce competition and poor communication. Molly (played by Chen Sinuo) is a special 11-year-old girl. She is fascinated by plants and has a magical imagination, but she is introverted and timid, and it is difficult for her to make friends. Under the guidance of her botanist father (played by Wang Qianyuan), Molly imagines different people as animals with personalities in order to b...
The plot follows Princess Turandot who is cursed by a mysterious power emanating from three Mazovian bracelets that were given to her as birthday gifts. These bracelets’ life-draining effects cause the princess to becomes cruel, and gradually she loses her humanity....