"Inspector Max" is a Portuguese television series created by Virgílio Castelo e Produções Fictícias and broadcast on TVI. Its story is a dog called "Max", who is caught by Inspector Jorge Mendes' two sons (Fernando Luís). Jorge Mendes is a lonely man whose wife died when his children were still small. He works at the DIC of Setúbal, Department of Criminal Investigation, in the 1st season. The successful DIC team from Setúbal was invited to go to DECC (Special Department for Combating Crime) and ...
In each episode, an apparently lost cause goes to court. However, the various stages of the case show us that not everything is as it seems and that no case is solved until the sentence is read....
Doce Fugitiva is a Portuguese telenovela, broadcast in the channel TVI. It aired from October 24, 2006 to September 16, 2007. It's a remake of the 2002 Argentine telenovela Kachorra....
Conta-me como foi (transl. Tell me how it was) is a Portuguese television drama series which has been broadcast on RTP1 of Rádio e Televisão de Portugal from 2007 to 2011 and since 2019. It recounts the experiences of a middle-class family, the Lopes (Portuguese: Os Lopes), during the last years of the Estado Novo. In February 2019, RTP announced that the series, after eight years shelved, would be renewed, with the storyline moving firmly into the 1980s. The first episode of the sixth season w...
A Padroeira was a Brazilian soap opera produced and displayed at the time of 18 hours by Rede Globo, between June 18, 2001 and February 23, 2002, and presented in 215 chapters. It was written by Walcyr Carrasco collaboration with Duca Rachid and directed by Walter Avancini, and had Deborah Secco, Luigi Baricelli, Elizabeth Savalla and Maurício Mattar in leading roles....
Morangos com Açúcar was a Portuguese Teen drama. It was broadcast daily on the Portuguese TV station TVI between 30 August 2003 to 15 September 2012. It has also been broadcast in Angola, Syria, Brazil and Romania....
"Inspector Max" is a Portuguese television series created by Virgílio Castelo e Produções Fictícias and broadcast on TVI. Its story is a dog called "Max", who is caught by Inspector Jorge Mendes' two sons (Fernando Luís). Jorge Mendes is a lonely man whose wife died when his children were still small. He works at the DIC of Setúbal, Department of Criminal Investigation, in the 1st season. The successful DIC team from Setúbal was invited to go to DECC (Special Department for Combating Crime) and ...
An entertaining and comical detective series featuring over-the-top stories, spectacular chase scenes, and hilarious villains....
Leonor and Pedro, are young, in love and from different social classes. She is the daughter of a wealthy man. He is from a modest working class family. They experience an intense but dramatically short love affair. When Pedro discovers Leonor’s father’s secret – that he sexually abused a maid – he is the victim of a hit and run accident, leaving him in a deep coma for 5 years. He later awakens to find out that his girlfriend, who was told he had died in the accident, moved on with her life and m...
The story of the CEO of a recently privatized company....
1917, a beautiful apparition of Our Lady forever alters the lives of three children: Lucinda, Jacita and Francisco who lived in Villa Fatima in Portugal....
Written in 1962, a classic piece by Luís de Sttau Monteiro, in a production by Artur Ramos. The play takes place during the English occupation, after the French Invasions. The court is in Brazil and Portugal governs the Governor, the Cardinal and an Englishman, General Beresford. The people are unhappy and the figure of Gomes Freire de Andrade, the head of Freemasonry, appears as an alternative to the current Power. But the conductors think that Gomes Freire is a danger and decide to arrest ...
A homage to all Portuguese actors. The news that Olga Drummond, the greatest Portuguese actress of all-time, is arriving to a nursing home for performers provokes agitation between residents and workers....
Considered a young terror among women, Ricardo unexpectedly begins to suffer from a strange phobia to noise pollution. That means that any noise during sex leads to a "sexual aversion". A famous psychologist - among other women - cannot cure him. The situation gets worse when his phobia jeopardizes his father's political pretensions. So the whole city, especially his father's girlfriend, decide to help find a cure for the boy....
A woman recovering from a personal tragedy imprisons a man she met at a party, shutting him in a room of a building demolition....