The daily soap 'BLUR' tells the story of Tommy, Tuur, Femke, Rune, Manon, Joren and Julie, a close group of friends that emerged during high school. After leaving school, not only their lives, but also they themselves have changed. As they spread their wings and get to know themselves better, significant doubts arise. Are their middle-aged besties still the friends they would choose now? Do they let each other go? Or will they once again look for what unites them?...
A troubled teen grapples with high school rivals, romantic prospects and her parents' separation as she plans the perfect sweet 16 birthday party....
REWIND is a children’s movie about online creators Céline dept and Michiel Callebaut. CEMI is launching their 500th video: a special music video in collaboration with Pat Krimson and Loredana De Amicis. But something goes wrong and Céline accidentally travels back in time to the ‘90’s. It’s up to Michiel to track her down and bring her back in time to launch their video....