Lena Lorenz is a captivating drama series that follows the life of a talented and ambitious midwife, Lena Lorenz, who returns to her idyllic hometown in the Bavarian Alps after working for several years in a bustling city hospital. Seeking a quieter and more meaningful life, Lena embarks on a journey of self-discovery, as she navigates the challenges and joys of her new profession in the picturesque rural village....
A medic lives with his small and strange family between the mountains and every episode he comes across a situation with not only his patients but also his family and friends....
A long-running German television series about a two-man team of highway police, originally set in Berlin and later in North Rhine-Westphalia....
Tatort is a long-running German/Austrian/Swiss, crime television series set in various parts of these countries. The show is broadcast on the channels of ARD in Germany, ORF in Austria and SF1 in Switzerland....
Tatort is a long-running German/Austrian/Swiss, crime television series set in various parts of these countries. The show is broadcast on the channels of ARD in Germany, ORF in Austria and SF1 in Switzerland....
Tatort is a long-running German/Austrian/Swiss, crime television series set in various parts of these countries. The show is broadcast on the channels of ARD in Germany, ORF in Austria and SF1 in Switzerland....
Die Kommissarin is a German police TV series which aired on Das Erste. Its 66 episodes ran from 1994 till 2006. The series, which takes place in Frankfurt am Main, Germany, is notable as being the first, and as yet one of the few commercially successful, German detective series to have a female lead character. The main character is Inspector Lea Sommer, played by Hannelore Elsner. Sommer is divorced with custody of her teenage son, Daniel. She is looking forward to a new relationship with her ...
Unter weißen Segeln is a German television series....
Polizeiruf 110 is a long-running German language detective television series. The first episode was broadcast 27 June 1971 in the German Democratic Republic, and after the dissolution of Fernsehen der DDR the series was picked up by ARD. It was originally created as a counterpart to the West German series Tatort, and quickly became a public favorite....
Polizeiruf 110 is a long-running German language detective television series. The first episode was broadcast 27 June 1971 in the German Democratic Republic, and after the dissolution of Fernsehen der DDR the series was picked up by ARD. It was originally created as a counterpart to the West German series Tatort, and quickly became a public favorite....
Polizeiruf 110 is a long-running German language detective television series. The first episode was broadcast 27 June 1971 in the German Democratic Republic, and after the dissolution of Fernsehen der DDR the series was picked up by ARD. It was originally created as a counterpart to the West German series Tatort, and quickly became a public favorite....
Die Männer vom K3 is a German television series....
Die Männer vom K3 is a German television series....
Mord in bester Gesellschaft is a German television series....
SOKO 5113 is a long-running German police procedural television series. It was first aired in 1978 on 2 January. SOKO is an abbreviation of the term "Sonderkommission" in German....
Polizeiruf 110 is a long-running German language detective television series. The first episode was broadcast 27 June 1971 in the German Democratic Republic, and after the dissolution of Fernsehen der DDR the series was picked up by ARD. It was originally created as a counterpart to the West German series Tatort, and quickly became a public favorite....
Die Cleveren is a German television series that was produced from 1998 to 2003 on RTL. It is about a nation wide special unit of the German Bundeskriminalamt, dealing with serial offenders. The main characters are the profiler Dr. Dominik Born and a policewoman of the BKA, who co-ordinates the necessary steps to be taken by the local police authorities....
Das Amt was a German comedy television series which aired between 1997 to 2002 on RTL. It was created by Dietmar Jacobs....
First Police Chief Inspector Vera Lanz, a Munich police detective, attempts to balance her professional and private life....
Countdown – Die Jagd beginnt is a German television series....
Derrick was a German TV series produced by Telenova Film und Fernsehproduktion in association with ZDF, ORF and SRG between 1974 and 1998 about Detective Chief Inspector Stephan Derrick and his loyal assistant Inspector Harry Klein, who solve murder cases in Munich and surroundings....
Derrick was a German TV series produced by Telenova Film und Fernsehproduktion in association with ZDF, ORF and SRG between 1974 and 1998 about Detective Chief Inspector Stephan Derrick and his loyal assistant Inspector Harry Klein, who solve murder cases in Munich and surroundings....
Ein Heim für Tiere is a German television series....
Siska is a German television series created by Herbert Reinecker and Helmut Ringelmann and broadcast since October 30, 1998 on the network ZDF. In France, the series was broadcast on France 3 and rebroadcast on 13th Street. It is a police drama and follows the adventures of Peter Siska and later Victor Siska. Anyway it wasn't the best surname for a policeman because in some languages word "Siska" has extremely close meaning to "Boob" or "Tit". So you'll never see this series on, for example, Ru...
Siska is a German television series created by Herbert Reinecker and Helmut Ringelmann and broadcast since October 30, 1998 on the network ZDF. In France, the series was broadcast on France 3 and rebroadcast on 13th Street. It is a police drama and follows the adventures of Peter Siska and later Victor Siska. Anyway it wasn't the best surname for a policeman because in some languages word "Siska" has extremely close meaning to "Boob" or "Tit". So you'll never see this series on, for example, Ru...
Siska is a German television series created by Herbert Reinecker and Helmut Ringelmann and broadcast since October 30, 1998 on the network ZDF. In France, the series was broadcast on France 3 and rebroadcast on 13th Street. It is a police drama and follows the adventures of Peter Siska and later Victor Siska. Anyway it wasn't the best surname for a policeman because in some languages word "Siska" has extremely close meaning to "Boob" or "Tit". So you'll never see this series on, for example, Ru...
Siska is a German television series created by Herbert Reinecker and Helmut Ringelmann and broadcast since October 30, 1998 on the network ZDF. In France, the series was broadcast on France 3 and rebroadcast on 13th Street. It is a police drama and follows the adventures of Peter Siska and later Victor Siska. Anyway it wasn't the best surname for a policeman because in some languages word "Siska" has extremely close meaning to "Boob" or "Tit". So you'll never see this series on, for example, Ru...
Siska is a German television series created by Herbert Reinecker and Helmut Ringelmann and broadcast since October 30, 1998 on the network ZDF. In France, the series was broadcast on France 3 and rebroadcast on 13th Street. It is a police drama and follows the adventures of Peter Siska and later Victor Siska. Anyway it wasn't the best surname for a policeman because in some languages word "Siska" has extremely close meaning to "Boob" or "Tit". So you'll never see this series on, for example, Ru...
A police department, lead by an older, experienced detective solve crimes together....
Der Kriminalist is a German television series produced by Monaco Film Hamburg, subsidiary of Odeon Film. Directors during the first season were Sherry Hormann and Torsten C. Fischer, during the second: Thomas Jahn, Jobst Oetzmann and Torsten C. Fischer....
A police department, lead by an older, experienced detective solve crimes together....
Ein Fall für zwei is a German television series, which premiered on September 11, 1981 on ZDF. The series, located in Frankfurt am Main, features two main characters who solve crimes: a defense attorney and a private investigator. Josef Matula, a former German police officer, has gone into private business. His method of investigation is very effective and direct, and he sometimes even resorts to dirty tricks. Claus Theo Gärtner has portrayed the role since the start of the series....
Ein Fall für zwei is a German television series, which premiered on September 11, 1981 on ZDF. The series, located in Frankfurt am Main, features two main characters who solve crimes: a defense attorney and a private investigator. Josef Matula, a former German police officer, has gone into private business. His method of investigation is very effective and direct, and he sometimes even resorts to dirty tricks. Claus Theo Gärtner has portrayed the role since the start of the series....
Ein Fall für zwei is a German television series, which premiered on September 11, 1981 on ZDF. The series, located in Frankfurt am Main, features two main characters who solve crimes: a defense attorney and a private investigator. Josef Matula, a former German police officer, has gone into private business. His method of investigation is very effective and direct, and he sometimes even resorts to dirty tricks. Claus Theo Gärtner has portrayed the role since the start of the series....
A police department, lead by an older, experienced detective solve crimes together....
A police department, lead by an older, experienced detective solve crimes together....
A police department, lead by an older, experienced detective solve crimes together....
A police department, lead by an older, experienced detective solve crimes together....
A police department, lead by an older, experienced detective solve crimes together....
A police department, lead by an older, experienced detective solve crimes together....
Sister Hanna is a spirited, witty, resolute, warm-hearted, and - attractive nun. With her wit and street cred, she takes charge of Kaltenthal Cloister, transforming it into a popular refuge for all those seeking help of one kind or another. She also brings new life to the sleepy provincial community, proving herself quite a match for her great rival and opponent, the mayor Wolfgang Wöller....
Wolffs Revier is a German television series....
Wolffs Revier is a German television series....
Schwarz greift ein is a German television series....
A long-running German television series about a two-man team of highway police, originally set in Berlin and later in North Rhine-Westphalia....
The Harald Schmidt Show is a German late night talk show hosted on Sky Deutschland by comedian Harald Schmidt. The show first aired from 5 December 1995 to 23 December 2003 on Sat.1. Schmidt then moved his show to Das Erste as Harald Schmidt and Schmidt & Pocher, but he returned to Sat.1 on 13 September 2011. After cancellation on Sat.1, the show continued on Sky Deutschland in September 2012....
A long-running German television series about a two-man team of highway police, originally set in Berlin and later in North Rhine-Westphalia....
Meine wunderbare Familie is a German television series....
Agathe kann’s nicht lassen was an Austrian and German detective comedy television series which ran between 2005 and 2007. It was based upon Agatha Christie's Miss Marple....
Istanbul police commissioner Mehmet Özakin is in charge of serious crime, mainly murder investigations, mostly in the Turkish metropolis. A very modern Turk, he uses up to date Western methods, without prejudice, assisted by bachelor Mustafa Tombul. Even his private life is progressive, his wife Sevim being on the former imperial capital's university staff....
SOKO Kitzbühel is an Austrian television series produced by ORF and ZDF. It is a spin-off of the German crime series SOKO 5113. It is set in the renowned Tyrolean tourist centre of Kitzbühel. The production company "beo-Film" has produced the show since 2001. The German abbreviation SOKO stands for Sonderkommission, "special commission", a task force with specific duties....
The SOKO Köln investigates the cathedral city with humor and often with hard work. Their cases take them into a variety of environments, from the Cologne clique to the terraced housing estates on the outskirts of the city....
SOKO Kitzbühel is an Austrian television series produced by ORF and ZDF. It is a spin-off of the German crime series SOKO 5113. It is set in the renowned Tyrolean tourist centre of Kitzbühel. The production company "beo-Film" has produced the show since 2001. The German abbreviation SOKO stands for Sonderkommission, "special commission", a task force with specific duties....
SOKO Kitzbühel is an Austrian television series produced by ORF and ZDF. It is a spin-off of the German crime series SOKO 5113. It is set in the renowned Tyrolean tourist centre of Kitzbühel. The production company "beo-Film" has produced the show since 2001. The German abbreviation SOKO stands for Sonderkommission, "special commission", a task force with specific duties....
The SOKO Köln investigates the cathedral city with humor and often with hard work. Their cases take them into a variety of environments, from the Cologne clique to the terraced housing estates on the outskirts of the city....
"Löwengrube – Die Grandauers und ihre Zeit" is a German television series first aired between 1989 and 1992, created by Willy Purucker and directed by Rainer Wolffhardt. It is set in Munich and follows the lives of Ludwig Grandauer and his son Karl, both policemen, covering the years from 1897 to 1954. The TV show is based on Purucker's radio play series Die Grandauers und ihre Zeit (‘The Grandauers and their time’). The series’ main title "Löwengrube", meaning ‘Lions’ Den’, refers to the addres...
Liebling Kreuzberg was a television series on ARD, which was sent in five seasons with a total of 58 episodes the first time from 1986 to 1998. The scripts of seasons one through three and five were from Jurek, of his friend Manfred Krug wrote the role of idiosyncratic Berlin attorney Robert favorite on the body, the fourth season was written by Ulrich Plenzdorf. Director Heinz Schirk, Werner Masten led and Vera Loebner. Producing Series transmitters were the SFB, the NDR and WDR. The music of ...
Lena Lorenz is a captivating drama series that follows the life of a talented and ambitious midwife, Lena Lorenz, who returns to her idyllic hometown in the Bavarian Alps after working for several years in a bustling city hospital. Seeking a quieter and more meaningful life, Lena embarks on a journey of self-discovery, as she navigates the challenges and joys of her new profession in the picturesque rural village....
Mit Herz und Handschellen is a German television series....
A police department, lead by an older, experienced detective solve crimes together....
SOKO 5113 is a long-running German police procedural television series. It was first aired in 1978 on 2 January. SOKO is an abbreviation of the term "Sonderkommission" in German....
SOKO 5113 is a long-running German police procedural television series. It was first aired in 1978 on 2 January. SOKO is an abbreviation of the term "Sonderkommission" in German....
The SOKO Köln investigates the cathedral city with humor and often with hard work. Their cases take them into a variety of environments, from the Cologne clique to the terraced housing estates on the outskirts of the city....
SOKO Donau is an Austrian television series....
SOKO Donau is an Austrian television series....
SOKO Leipzig is a German police procedural television programme, a spin-off of the earlier German police programme SOKO 5113. It was first broadcast on 31 January 2001, on German television channel ZDF. On 12 November 2008, the first part of a two-part crossover between SOKO Leipzig and British police procedural The Bill was aired, with the same version being shown on both ZDF and British television channel ITV1....
Stahlnetz is a German television series....
Ein Fall für zwei is a German television series, which premiered on September 11, 1981 on ZDF. The series, located in Frankfurt am Main, features two main characters who solve crimes: a defense attorney and a private investigator. Josef Matula, a former German police officer, has gone into private business. His method of investigation is very effective and direct, and he sometimes even resorts to dirty tricks. Claus Theo Gärtner has portrayed the role since the start of the series....
Tatort is a long-running German/Austrian/Swiss, crime television series set in various parts of these countries. The show is broadcast on the channels of ARD in Germany, ORF in Austria and SF1 in Switzerland....
Series written by Christiane Sadlo about writer and journalist under the pseudonym "Inga Lindström" and her family. Characterized by impressive landscapes, all of which are shot on location in Sweden. Series has no continuous storyline, and each episode is filled with new characters....
A long-running German television series about a two-man team of highway police, originally set in Berlin and later in North Rhine-Westphalia....
Lena Lorenz is a captivating drama series that follows the life of a talented and ambitious midwife, Lena Lorenz, who returns to her idyllic hometown in the Bavarian Alps after working for several years in a bustling city hospital. Seeking a quieter and more meaningful life, Lena embarks on a journey of self-discovery, as she navigates the challenges and joys of her new profession in the picturesque rural village....
Stolberg is a German detective television series, starring chief inspector Martin Stolberg. The series is more serious and less flashy than other contemporary German detective series....
Stolberg is a German detective television series, starring chief inspector Martin Stolberg. The series is more serious and less flashy than other contemporary German detective series....
Schlosshotel Orth is an Austrian television series....
Die Bergwacht is a German mountain rescue television series, broadcast since 26 November, 2009 on ZDF....
A long-running German television series about a two-man team of highway police, originally set in Berlin and later in North Rhine-Westphalia....
SOKO 5113 is a long-running German police procedural television series. It was first aired in 1978 on 2 January. SOKO is an abbreviation of the term "Sonderkommission" in German....
The series is about a cruise ship that travels to places around the world....
The series is about a cruise ship that travels to places around the world....
"Turmschatten" is a thriller series on Paramount+. It's based on Turmschatten (2020)....
Polizeiruf 110 is a long-running German language detective television series. The first episode was broadcast 27 June 1971 in the German Democratic Republic, and after the dissolution of Fernsehen der DDR the series was picked up by ARD. It was originally created as a counterpart to the West German series Tatort, and quickly became a public favorite....
Joe Müller, a single father, is electrified: in front of him stands an outraged woman who insults him badly. Still, he falls in love. As it turns out: not exactly the right one. Tessa, who is in the hospital with her son, is upset because her counterpart does not apologize for the accident caused by his daughter. But then she also finds Joe more than just nice. When Joe finds out that the magical Tessa is the new, ambitious CEO of the architectural firm "Planfactory", who has given him notice wi...
Robert Lahnstein, feared TV commentator, doesn't like people, not even at Christmas. He wants to be alone - even on Christmas Eve. He thinks Christmas is just as hypocritical as politics. That's why he packs his SUV with a frozen goose and a Christmas tree to retreat to his lonely cabin in the mountains. But the plan ends for him in a tree. With the last of his strength he reaches a barn. But he is not allowed to be alone even in the deepest wilderness, because other people have also sought shel...
The lieutenant Fraser is expelled from the army for saving the honor of his Superior. Since this gratefulness uses him as chauffeur in his familiar mansion. There it knows Lady Claire....
Fraudulent machinations of her dental spouse, from whom she lives apart, overthrow the housewife Cleo Berger into ruin. Cleo has to vacate her house and suddenly stands with her three children Tim, Emma and Sophie without housing and money in front of nothing. But Cleo can not be beaten and moves now to her father, a retired archaeologist, to which she has a difficult relationship. While she works as a waitress and has her hands full smoothing the waves between her annoyed father and the lively ...
Adele Spitzeder, an actress of medium talent, finds the role of her life as a dazzling financial genius, but in truth the operator of a gigantic pyramid scheme. With a brilliant appearance and empty promises, she serves the hopes and greed of her fellow human beings with virtuosity. With the help of a never-ending stream of money, she buys her way out of situations that would have landed others in prison long ago. Her enemies are just waiting for the pyramid to collapse and bury Adele - and coun...
Family drama about a woman of strong character who fights for her livelihood after the death of her husband....
A noble prostitute is found dead in the toilet of a trendy club. Actually a normal case for Chief Inspector Lukas Laim - he would not know this woman intimately. In addition, the case gets an unexpected twist: Laim and his assistant Tim Berners encounter in the customer file of the victim on the top managers of a pharmaceutical company. Suddenly the sexual offense becomes a serious case of white-collar crime....
After a lot of trial and error, Hilde Reimer has finally decided to marry her late love Theo. Immediately after the wedding, Theo moves in with her in the Reimersche family villa - nothing seems to stand in the way of their mutual happiness. Or is it? While Theo soon gets to feel the idiosyncrasies of his new wife, Hilde quickly realizes that she can hardly keep up with the pace of the agile Theo in everyday life....
The childless sisters Regina, Anja and Susanne are outraged. Their wealthy mother is determined to become a grandmother and offers her fancy villa as a reward for the first of the three daughters to give her a grandchild. But Anja has completely different plans: she is going to emigrate to Brazil with Karin, the love of her life....
Klaus Berger is a committed journalist who reports to the local department of the Erfurt daily newspaper. Since the death of his wife, Klaus alone is taking care of his eleven-year-old daughter Anna, so that he has his hands full with his job and child care. He does not have enough time for Anna. A woman who could take something away from him is missing in his life. But when Klaus falls in love with the attractive lawyer Judith Wagner, there is a not small problem: Anna can not stand the self-co...
Juvenile detention or retirement home: That's the choice 17-year-old Malu is faced with after she's been caught stealing again. In order to save the girl from imprisonment, her aunt Johanna agrees to take Malu in with her until she has completed her social service in a retirement home. The rebellious half-orphan, whose single father Paul has hardly any time for her as a pilot, initially finds being placed with her aunt just as restrictive as a stay in prison....
A romance directed by Stefan Lukschy....
The dishes are smashed, the lampshade broken, the curtain torn down. The relationship between Marlene and her husband Paul seems to be over. In fact, the two have not gotten along so well for a long time - and out of sheer high spirits they have just made up for their bachelorette party. This is what Marlene is most surprised about, because her plan was actually quite different: the insurance broker wants to divorce her easy-going husband, who has been cheating on her constantly for the past 30 ...
Eva loves Fabian, a young and ambitious actor, but his tendency to be self-centered and his lack of responsibility puts them both to the test. Despite Eva's warnings, he gets behind the wheel of his car after a lively premiere party and causes an accident in her presence in which Titus, a young man, is seriously injured. Fabian doesn't care, but Eva is worried about the injured man. A relationship develops between the two......
Petra Hoffmann is in her early 50s and pregnant. She is not carrying her own child though, but that of her daughter. Midwife Lena Lorenz has been looking after mother and daughter for a while and the pregnancy has been unproblematic thus far, but shortly before the birth the family starts to break apart....
Philipp Gabert and his best friend, Dr. Nicolas Amberg, are hiking in the mountains. Suddenly, Philipp suffers a strange attack of weakness and loses consciousness. Nicolas is only just able to prevent his fall. But the friendship between the two men is burdened by a problem: Nicolas is secretly in love with Philipp's wife Julia - and feels like a traitor. When the men set off on another mountain tour, only one of them returns. Was it an accident or murder?...
Based on explosive investigations, the thriller "Meister des Todes" ("Master of Death") tells of a German arms manufacturer and their questionable weapon exports to Mexiko....
When going to the business meeting to Majorca the architect is forced by his wife to take his three kids with him....
After some faked medicine is found, an Interpol agent searches for evidence against high rank chairmen of medical companies....
A 12 year-old street kid in a slum of Berlin struggles to stay afloat through a commitment to his compassionate teacher and ambivalent classmates, aged 11-14, who also bear the harsh marks of impoverishment, which manifest themselves in peer ruthlessness and disrespect of adults....
Riley Owen, a bodyguard, is tasked with protecting Lady Anjali Cassley from a ghost. Despite the fact that the job seems ridiculous, he decides to accept it....
After her divorce, the Munich editor Gitti Kronlechner put her life on hold until, cheered on by a favorable constellation, she threw herself into a survival camp. Gitti surprised everyone with this courageous step. Mostly herself. So far she only knew Indoor Survival. The nature adventure shakes up Gitti's world view, especially since her Venus, as promised in the horoscope, is not in the fourth house for nothing....
Thirteen-year-old Julia leaves Berlin, where she resides with her father, to spend vacation in the Czech Republic. While there she experiences first love, and also tries to help the local kids rescue a circus bear from a rich German hunter who's willing to pay for a bit of sport. If the parents get their way they'll use Mr. Big Game to finance the circus and even contribute to local pensions. The children and the bear head for the forest....
The true story of a journalist who investigates the backgrounds of the Oktoberfest terror attack of 1980....
The case of a young man found dead leads Inspector Cris Blohm and her colleague Dennis Eden into the amateur porn scene and to Mia, the daughter of well-known Munich businessman Ralph Horschalek who fears greatly for his good reputation. Then Cris Blohm is leaked information that could lead to the perpetrator but which, due to legal loopholes, may not be used. The investigation is blocked. In a precarious situation, she decides to pursue her most urgent suspicion nonetheless – even if it is on t...