Set during the Joseon Dynasty, the story of the meeting between the young widow Jung Soon-deok and young widower Shim Jung-woo as well as the struggle the two go through together to marry off the four young maidens who represent Joseon....
Three friends have different thoughts about sex, which brings about conflicts. This is a romance story of youth (and sex) that they find their turning point in a relationship through understanding....
A painful but exciting story of Oh Soo-jae, a cold lawyer who has become empty while pursuing only success, and Gong Chan, a law school student who is not afraid of anything to protect her....
A story of romance and healing between one of the world’s greatest idols who is suffering from somnambulism and the doctor who is secretly treating him. Jun’s character Yoon Tae In is an untouchable idol star who is loved all around the world, and a musical genius who believes he is the center of the universe....
Love is as tough as it is sweet for a lovestruck teenager, whose relationship with her next-door neighbor transforms as they grow into adulthood....
All I ask for is to be in a relationship for once in my life. I am about to throw a gamble of a question with 18 years of my life on the line. A youthful comic drama about attempted relationships with reasons for failure....