The Adventures of Tenali Raman is an Indian animated television series that premiered on Cartoon Network on 14 June 2003. It was based on one of the most popular and best-loved characters of Indian folklore. It was produced by Toonz Animation Studios, Trivandrum. Promoted with the tagline "Get Ready for the Rama Effect", the series aired every Saturday and Sunday on Cartoon Network in India....
This five-part documentary examines catastrophic events throughout Singapore's history, from explosions, fires and floods to a traumatic plane hijacking....
After a long, arduous hunt, Derek Ho, Singapore's first serial killer has been captured, tried and sentenced to death. As he awaits his fate in prison, a team of top psychologists is assigned to interview him. They must find out if he has any information on a list of women reported missing during the period of his killing spree. It takes a young, ambitious member of that team, Dr Winnie Low, to break through to the stubbornly reticent Derek. Winnie embarks on a journey to solve the mystery, unlo...
While Northern India’s 100-year-old film industry is best known for flamboyant dance sequences and romantic plot lines, its directors have begun to step outside established formulas and explore grittier subject matter. This program surveys the world of Bollywood filmmaking, examining the personalities as well as the commercial and thematic concerns that drive central Asia’s answer to Tinseltown. Interviews with directors Karan Johar, Ashutosh Gowariker, and Yash Chopra are included, along with c...