The story follows Phap, an abstract painter who is hired by the owner of a media agency, Maze, to do a painting at a celebrity's wedding. After a disastrous accident, Phap will start working for Maze to pay his debts. What starts as a not-so-friendly worker/employer relationship soon evolves into something more....
The office manager brings remote employees back to the office. During the pandemic, the company had suffered significant losses and they continue to grow. The CEO has delivered an ultimatum: either employees will increase the company's profits, or everyone will have to look for a new job; the office manager hires a talented professional......
Cher is a gamer who wants to make it big in the e-sports industry. During his senior year of university, he gets an internship with a crumbling gaming company. There, he attracts the intention of his boss Gun who has him do some pretty weird errands, confusing Cher about his true intentions. In addition to his gaming, Cher has an ASMR channel and it's those videos that coax Gun to sleep every night....