A story spanning 40 years that follows the struggles of three generations of farmers and rural cadres. Before the reform, the people of Fengyuan village suffered from starvation in spite of the countless honors that they had received. A higher-up has been sent to conduct inspections in the village, so preparations have been made to supply each household with food and rations that will have to be returned once the inspector leaves. Young farmer Qin Xue'an is appalled at the harsh reality. He mak...
A story of hope and despair surrounding the lives of a mother and son from a small town in Subei. The 18-year-old Ding Xiao Jun who lives with his mother Ding Bi Yun has been admitted to a university in Beijing. However, as soon as he entered university, he is ridiculed by his classmates. Ding Xiao Jun starts to rebel until he gets a warning that he will no longer graduate. Luckily, his mother gets through to him in time for him to pull himself together and earn enough credits to graduate....
A father and son represent two generations of policemen as they risk their lives in the war against drugs....
During the fifteenth year of Emperor Kang Xi's reign, a catastrophic Yellow River flood devastates the empire. To save his people, Kang Xi recruits brilliant minds through civil service exams, including the innovative Chen Huang, to confront the crisis and restore hope....
A six-unit story about the dedication and sacrifice of young citizens in different industries....
From young, Yang Jinbang wants to be a judge who upholds justice and he studied abroad. When preparing to return to China after completing his studies, he received news of his father's sudden death. Due to doubts about the cause of death, he dropped out and returned to investigate. Faced with various puzzles laid by his opponents, Yang Jinbang used scientific empirical evidence and rigorous logic to uncover the truth, and since embarked on the path of investigation in pursuit of justice. He als...
The movie “Heroes of Dunhuang” is based on the historical story of Zhang Yichao leading the soldiers and civilians in Shazhou to return to the Tang Dynasty. The “little characters” in life have devoted themselves to the righteous deeds of returning the soil to the Tang Dynasty, and the writing has become a magnificent and passionate epic....