The daily soap 'BLUR' tells the story of Tommy, Tuur, Femke, Rune, Manon, Joren and Julie, a close group of friends that emerged during high school. After leaving school, not only their lives, but also they themselves have changed. As they spread their wings and get to know themselves better, significant doubts arise. Are their middle-aged besties still the friends they would choose now? Do they let each other go? Or will they once again look for what unites them?...
Exciting challenges and great stunts. That's how we know the Coppens brothers. Now they put special rooms full of scientific puzzles, tests and assignments that their famous friends have to bring to a successful conclusion. What familiar face cracks the Code of Coppens?...
Life at university puts the relationship of two highschool sweethearts to the test. Their four dormmates quickly suck them into a world of sex, booze and drugs, but also deep conversations, experiments and (emotional) hangovers....