Ku Punya Hati is a 2022 Malaysian television drama series directed by Azmi Hatta, starring Nabil Aqil, Sharifah Rose and Alya Iman. This series starts its premiere on Akasia Slot, TV3 starting 4 August 2022 replacing Risik Pada Hati....
Hanif (Aniq Durar) who was raised by his mother is an intelligent student who dreams of becoming a successful lawyer. Although known as a cold guy, he is popular among female students. Ariana (Sharifah Rose) is Hanif's classmate who is cheerful and has feelings for Hanif. He will use his position as a supervisor to get closer to Hanif. Their relationship grew closer when Hanif saved Ariana from a secret society member. Lily (Yasmin Hani), who is Ariana's stepmother, has warned Hanif's mother, Ra...
Do You Love Me, Captain?...
A time travel story that brings Irdina (Sharifah Rose) back to her past 10 years ago after finding an old computer belonging to a professor. Irdina bought an auction house that had been abandoned almost 5 years ago. According to neighbors there, the house belonged to a Professor named Aida (Sherry Ibrahim) who died in 2017. One day, Irdina came across a secret door. Inside is a room with technological equipment that allows one to enter the year 2013. Irdina only needs to select a date and the...