Portlandia meets The Kids in the Hall in this strange and brilliant sketch comedy series, Sketchy Queens created by two-time RuPaul's Drag Race winner Jinkx Monsoon and her comedy partner Liam Krug. After meeting in their hometown of Portland, Oregon, Jinkx & Liam quickly found they shared a twisted sense of humor and started writing sketches together in quarantine. This 8-episode series is born out of their weirdest ideas, featuring celebrity impersonations, a revival of Jinkx's first Snatch Ga...
For teenage misfits Hunter and Kevin, the path to glory is clear: Devote themselves to metal. Win Battle of the Bands. And be worshipped like gods....
Two former rivals reconnect over drinks and a quick bite. One is compulsively running through men and can’t kick the habit of drinking their blood, and the other is working through her trauma and settling down with a new career in monster counseling. Things get a little uncomfortable when the conversation turns to the same toxic lover that connected them — Count Dracula — one of whom is still entangled with him....