Waranyu is a medical student, who, after undergoing surgery at a young age, gains special abilities by making a contract with the underworld. His life becomes intertwined with a grimreaper and what begins as turmoil gradually develops into a romantic connection between the two....
When Din, a young forestry officer, gets involved with a gang of illegal smugglers, it causes him and Ken, a young man who he has been in a relationship with for more than seven years, to be chased away. They're both cornered and fall from a steep cliff. After several months, Ken wakes up but without his lover by his side. As the years go by, things start to go awry when someone appears and has a resemblance to his former lover. The old memories return and now circle around him. Ken begins to s...
Movie cut of the series. ------------------------------- Ken is the survivor of a harrowing incident that left his boyfriend, Din, tragically murdered. The traumatic memory has led Ken to carve out a new life for himself as an assistant chef in a prestigious restaurant in Singapore. However, Ken’s past resurfaces as he becomes entangled in a web of revenge and dark secrets. With an enigmatic figure named Inpha lurking in the shadows and orchestrating sinister events, Ken’s journey takes a trea...