The Black Forest Clinic is a German language medical drama television series that was produced by and filmed in West Germany. The series was produced between 1984 and 1988 with the original airing being from October 2, 1985 to March 25, 1989 on West Germany's ZDF television channel. The series' storyline follows the inner workings of a small fictional hospital in the Black Forest region of Germany as well as the lives of the Brinkmann family of doctors who work at the hospital. Shortly after b...
The series is about a cruise ship that travels to places around the world....
Liebling Kreuzberg was a television series on ARD, which was sent in five seasons with a total of 58 episodes the first time from 1986 to 1998. The scripts of seasons one through three and five were from Jurek, of his friend Manfred Krug wrote the role of idiosyncratic Berlin attorney Robert favorite on the body, the fourth season was written by Ulrich Plenzdorf. Director Heinz Schirk, Werner Masten led and Vera Loebner. Producing Series transmitters were the SFB, the NDR and WDR. The music of ...
Das Amt was a German comedy television series which aired between 1997 to 2002 on RTL. It was created by Dietmar Jacobs....
A police department, lead by an older, experienced detective solve crimes together....
Die seltsamen Methoden des Franz Josef Wanninger is a German television series....
Alphateam – Die Lebensretter im OP was a German hospital drama television series which aired on Sat.1 between 1996 and 2005. The series covered the work of a team of doctors, nurses and caregivers in the fictional Hamburg Hansa Clinic, located in the Altona district....
Because her husband, crime novel author Bert, prefers to spend the evenings with milieu and girl studies in the pubs, Conny files for divorce and moves with the two children from Berlin to Munich. There, she mistakes the new teacher of her daughter with the renovating carpenter, which is quite alright with the teacher as this gives him plenty of opportunity to enjoy Conny’s company. Meanwhile, however, Bert as well has started to understand how good it is to have a cosy home. He comes to Munich ...
Mike and Susanne are a loving couple who keep afloat through petty crime. When they are pursued by the police following a robbery at a jewelry store, they seek refuge in a slaughterhouse....
A comedy directed by Franz Josef Gottlieb....
Nikki Moser, a blond womanizer, made a deal with the burgomaster. He gave him money to buy a hotel, and for this Nikki should marry his daughter Marianne. And the catch is not even that the daughter of the Bavarian city head is a mulatto, but the fact that Nicky does not want to be bound by marriage to anyone. Buddy Tony throws the poor guy the idea of taking a loan, giving money to the burgomaster and sending him away with his daughter. However, to say is not to do. To knock out a loan is a c...
The nurse Loni helps the young pediatrician Lennie Sommer to fight against the plans of the head of the clinic, who wants to close the children's ward. She also gets to know the charming pediatrician in private....
This semi-fictional movie portrays the german soccer player Franz Beckenbauer. It shows the ups and downs of being a superstar....
Thanks to some misunderstandings, an art student gets into the role of a gynecologist. And as a gynecologist he makes the ladies happy....