Kim Jae Han (born Kim Jae Hwan), better known mononymously as Jae Han, is a member of Spire Entertainment's boy group Omega X which debuted on June 30, 2021 and a former member of WYNN Entertainment's boy group SPECTRUM. He is also former member of the duo OneVoices, who disbanded in 2016. In 2017, he participated in Produce 101 Season 2 whilst under MMO Entertainment and was eliminated in episode 4, at rank 81. In early 2018, he left MMO Entertainment and signed with WYNN Entertainment.
Han Tae Yi lost his will to live after the death of his older brother, who was a genius jazz pianist. To Tae Yi, transfer student Yoon Se Heon is truly an uninvited guest. Se Heon has been playing jazz that reminds Tae Yi of his brother since the first day he transferred to school and gets on Tae Yi’s nerves. Se Heon also suspects that Tae Yi has a suspicious relationship with his friend Seo Do Yoon. Se Heon, who longs to play jazz freely and escape the eyes of his strict classical music profess...
At school, Lee Da Yeol spends most of his time living as an outsider. Not popular by any stretch of the imagination, Da Yeol’s only real joy comes from his time spent with the archery club. A talented archer whose skills have earned him a scholarship to the school, Da Yeol doesn’t mind being an outsider, so long as he’s free to pursue his greatest passion. But an ill-timed run-in with a devilishly handsome classmate lands him in trouble and places his precious scholarship in jeopardy....