Stockinger is an Austrian-made police television drama, with fourteen 45-minute episodes first aired from 1996 to 1997. The series is a spin-off from the popular Austrian television drama Inspector Rex, and focuses on Ernst Stockinger, one of the original members of the Homicide division or Mordkommission in German. Stockinger leaves the series to return to Salzburg where his wife has inherited a dental practice from her late father . He is appointed a Bezirksinspektor at the Landes Gendarmeri...
Oben ohne is an Austrian television series. It is about two families of tenants seeking to avoid eviction from their flats....
After his handler is killed, police dog Rex teams up with recently-divorced inspector Richard Moser to investigate crimes and solve mysteries on the streets of Vienna. And they sometimes get help from their two-legged friend, Inspector Stockinger....
Peter und Paul is a German television series....
Die Hausmeisterin is a German television series....
In 2043, Frank and Xaver have only one big problem with their jobs at a patent office, their boss Dr. Kneitz who's mission it is to make their life miserable. But then an unique opportunity presents itself when an inventor shows up to patent a time machine and they come up with a plan to travel back in time to stop the conceiving of their boss. Accidently Ronny, a night watchman, happens to be in the room with them when they use the time machine and so, in part unwillingly, the 3 of them travel ...
Connie needs money. When a mysterious watch manufacturer asks her to investigate possible insurance fraud, the problem seems to be solved for the time being. But then it gets really thick for Conny. It seems to be about murder and the client could be the killer himself. Unfortunately, Conny has already fallen in love with him....
Lawyer Fröhlich has specialised in divorce cases and has become a star in this field. Along the way, he also divorced his own marriage. But his daughter and former wife are an integral part of his life, as is his marriage-mad father....
The mayor would like to snatch the Moosburg Castle under the nail so that he can move his club "Paradies" and the "Damen" there. But the Reverend has other plans: he wants to build a children's home in the castle. Only the rightful heir, the young pediatrician Dr. Seefellner can help him....
An old, rich bachelor learns that he has a granddaughter ......
A comedy directed by Otto W. Retzer....
Despite its South-of-the-Border title, Caracas is an Austrian love triangle. Gas-station owner Gerhard Zehmann is saddled with cheating wife Regina Bill. The man would like to escape to Venezuela, but he can't unload his wife. Then he meets a woman who is the exact double of his wife (also played by Regina Bill, of course). Falling in love with this clone, the husband hatches a plan. He'll murder his wife, then leave for Venezuela with her look-alike so as not to arouse suspicion. Are foolproof ...
Jackies' quiet life as a housewife and English teacher ends abruptly when her husband informs her that he is leaving her for a younger woman. In a quest for revenge, Jackie makes arrangements with a plastic surgeon for a general overhaul with the goal of landing a younger husband. A newspaper leads her to Peter who is as bored by his insurance job as he is by the young women he has been dating. Written by John W. Wrist...
A historical drama about the revolution of 1848/1849 in the Austrian empire....