A story revolving around a group of teenage ice hockey players who dream of going professional. Chen Che is the star player of the United Nations Hockey Team, a former celebrity, and a rare hockey genius in Jiang Cheng for the past ten years. He is an impulsive teenager who is not bound by the rules and has an easy way to the top. In fact, he values affection and righteousness, and silently assumes the responsibility of taking care of others. Shen Zhou Zhou, who was once a graduate student in N...
A story that follows two men who are polar opposites, one kills, while the other heals. One is a violent cop and the other is a compassionate doctor. Together they support and redeem each other during troubled times....
In order to resolve a crisis, two prominent names in the real estate industry agree to get engaged for 99 days - one is the domineering female CEO and the other merely a puppet executive. Gu Ling Se is the head of Dingzhuang Group. Ye Cheng Shu is the figurehead of Weilai Group. Out of commercial interests, the two young executives enter into a contract engagement. Quan has been pursuing Gu Ling Se yet mistakenly plays cupid when his actions lead to a kiss between Ye Cheng Shu and Gu Ling Se. ...
Kua Xiao’e, a tough woman with incredible strength, is the descendant of a legendary family with divine powers. Shen Wang, the wealthy but tight-fisted man of Sun Yao City, enlists her as his personal maid and bodyguard after witnessing her abilities. As they go from adversaries to allies, they must work together to fight against the enemy and protect each other....