A chance encounter brought about by summer arrives unexpectedly. Three female friends, known as the “Seaside Cinderellas,” grew up together by the beach. Meanwhile, a male friend entered a top university in Tokyo to meet his parents’ expectations and pursued his own path while living as an honor student. Men and women from different worlds, who would not normally cross paths, meet fatefully on a midsummer beach. As they confront each other with their complex emotions and true feelings, they grow...
The "first penguin" is the courageous first penguin that dives into the sea filled with enemies. Iwasaki Nodoka is a young single mother with no money, no house, and no work. While Nodoka decides that she will do anything to eat, she meets a fisherman who offers her "10,000 yen to rebuild the coast". Thus, Nodoka now carries the dreams of the local fishermen whose lives are on her shoulders. Despite her limited knowledge of the fishing industry, Nodoka does her best working with the stubborn sea...
This is a medical manga set in a child psychiatry clinic, where the heroine, Shiho Tono, a trainee doctor, meets children with various mental illnesses, including the director Takashi Sayama, and tries to find solutions. There are very few stories that can be completed in one episode, and the style is often of dividing a theme into multiple stories and solving the problem from various angles, rather than solving the problem completely....
Ultraseven. Even after half a century has passed since its initial broadcasting, his story is still etched into people's memories. The story that connects the present as the future of 55 years ago, will be depicted as an 'IF story' that "may have existed" as an episode of the series at the time of its broadcast in 1967, and tell the story of "how it happened."...