This story revolves around two teenagers of different identities and different cultural backgrounds – Fa Hua and Lan Ge, whom because of a magic weapon "Only Pearl" were connected together to save humanity. The two teenagers have a symbiotic relationship because of the artifact, which makes the two teenagers with very different personalities need to go through a variety of tests together, with that, the relationship between the two see subtle changes, and they began to understand each other, and...
IMMORTALITY Fang Han, a humble family slave, always held the belief that "I would rather be a beggar than a slave", traversing the world only by himself. With an unyielding stubbornness, he cracked the mystery of supernatural powers and forged his body into an immortal body. He worked hard to step into the fairyland, and eventually became the peak king....
Follows teenager Xu Xingze, a passionate basketball player who aspires to join the Basketball Team of the regions top school after seeing their Star Player win the Final Four Tournament. When his sister accidentally enrolls him into a lesser school with a similar name, its up to Xu and his ragtag group of new friends to prove their worth and their skill on the Court against some of the top High School players in the Region....
In a vanished civilization shrouded in dust, ancient giants seek their own paths to becoming emperors. Jiang Hao, a modern young man who was once just a pawn, sets foot into the prehistoric wilderness in search of his father's whereabouts. Armed with his incomplete "power bank" totem, he battles against humans, carving out a path from primitive tribes to mysterious ancient cities; he battles against the land, traverses the wilderness, hunting and killing ancient fierce beasts, learning ancient a...