The story takes place in a high school. Hari attends a high school with her two friends, Ka Eun and Hyun Woo. Rumors are circulating that one of the students in the school, Park Joo Min, is possessed by a ghost. Although Hari is skeptical of the rumors, strange events start happening in the school. A guy named Kang Lim shows up and claims that Hari and he were friends. Who is this mysterious boy and are the rumors true?...
“Anniversary Anyway” is a Naver V original web drama that tells the story of six teenagers who are experiencing first love as they each get ready to celebrate an anniversary....
Brilliant brain scientist Sewon suffers a horrific personal tragedy. Desperate to uncover what happened to his family, he conducts "brain syncs" with the dead to access their memories for clues....
A secret royal inspector works as an undercover official who inspects local provinces to expose corruption. He teams up with a lady who is searching for happiness by getting divorced with her current husband. The duo then go on a grand scheme to discover the truth and find corruptions....
Finding life in all that’s left behind, a detail-oriented trauma cleaner and his estranged uncle deliver untold stories of the departed to loved ones....
“Hearts and Hari” will be centered around some teenagers and show some fluttering love stories mixed with a bit of horror at a coffee shop, Redsome. One of the teenagers include the hard-working barista Hari, who just started working there in order to buy a gift for Gang Rim. However... all the couples visiting the coffee shop are very random!...