A story revolving around a fresh graduate who holds an idealistic view of what's right and wrong, yet realizes that the very institution he chose to serve falls heavily onto a gray area caught in the struggles during chaotic times. It takes place after the war has been won. Gu Yao Dong who grew up in Shanghai graduates from university. Hoping to fulfill his dreams of upholding the law and protecting the people, he succeeds in becoming a policeman. However, Gu Yao Dong is disheartened from the c...
In twelve separate episodes, twelve different protagonists talk about their bizarre experiences in the same mysterious interview room....
Delicious Romance follows three urban beauties whose lives reflect to varying degrees the intimacy between contemporary men and women. Among them, Liu Jing is a perfectionist food blogger who is extremely picky when it comes to finding a partner. Divorced anchor Fang Xin is troubled by love despite her outstanding looks. Xia Meng is a corporate powerhouse whose success has made her boyfriend feel insecure. These women who have experienced hardships in business, oppression in the workplace and se...
The heartwarming story of Qi Cheng, a talented comic artist, and Chi Zhihan, a popular food blogger, who find support and healing in each other through a contractual relationship....
Zhou Shui and Da Ji, a couple born in the 1980s, live in a cramped apartment and face constant struggles. Despite this, their bond grows stronger as they dream of a better future together. Eighteen years later, their story is uncovered by a pair of youths born in the 2000s, who observe and critique their journey. The encounter between the two generations sparks reflections on love, asking: Is it worth it? And do we still dare to love?...
Three besties, Liu Jing, Fang Xin and Xia Meng experience hardships in business, oppression at the workplace and setbacks in their romantic relationships, but gradually find their true selves with each other`s support....