"Detective Investigation Files" revolves around the professional and meticulous investigations carried out by a group of dedicated police officers. As they delve into mysterious deaths with unclear causes, they tirelessly work towards maintaining peace and security for the people. However, their demanding job often comes at the expense of personal happiness. Cheung Dai Yong, a brilliant and astute police officer, has a track record of solving crucial cases. His trusted colleague, Lee Chung Yee,...
Dr. Leung, Chairman of Top Grain Group, is committed to researching to reject animal genes into plants, hoping to enhance the resistance of plants and try to solve the famine problem in the world. James, a researcher, has inadvertently discovered that the prototype code (DX29) in Dr. Leung’s research has great side effects on plants, and one plant has changed its self-defense mechanism and mutated into a mutant organism that attacks humans. James wants to stop the catastrophe but suddenly disapp...
A scholar in search of true love. Disguising himself as a houseboy, he indentures himself to a rich family in order to pursue the ravishing servant girl who has stolen his heart....