The story begins with Shirō Kido's reunion with a former classmate, Rio Kijima, at a college teacher's funeral. In the past, when they were students, Kijima used to show talent as a novelist, even earning a big prize. Kido was jealous of Kijima's success, but after reading his works he became aware of his lack of talent and gave up writing novels and became an editor of erotic novels. However, after reuniting it became clear to Kido that Kijima was stuck; facing a wall. He had used up all his t...
The story begins with Shirō Kido's reunion with a former classmate, Rio Kijima, at a college teacher's funeral. In the past, when they were students, Kijima used to show talent as a novelist, even earning a big prize. Kido was jealous of Kijima's success, but after reading his works he became aware of his lack of talent and gave up writing novels and became an editor of erotic novels. However, after reuniting it became clear to Kido that Kijima was stuck; facing a wall. He had used up all his t...