Fievel's American Tails is an American/Canadian animated television series, produced by Steven Spielberg's Amblimation animation studio, Nelvana, and Universal Cartoon Studios. It aired for one season in 1992, and continued Fievel's adventures from the film An American Tail: Fievel Goes West. In 1993 and 1994, MCA/Universal Home Video released twelve episodes on six VHS video-cassettes, two Laserdisc volumes. These have been the only home video releases of the cartoon, at least in the United St...
Saved by the Bell: The New Class is a spin-off of the Saved by the Bell series which ran from September 11, 1993 to January 8, 2000. The series lasted for seven seasons on NBC as a part of the network's TNBC Saturday morning line-up. It was the fourth incarnation of the franchise. The show had the same concept as the original series but featured a new group of students now roaming the halls of the fictional Bayside High School. Mr. Belding, played by Dennis Haskins, remained as the school's pri...
Follow the adventures of a group of young cartoon characters who attend the Acme Looniversity to become the next generation of characters from the Looney Tunes series....
The coming of age events and everyday life-lessons of Cory Matthews, a Philadelphian who grows up from a young boy to a married man....
Hang Time is an American teen sitcom about a fictional Indiana high school's boys' basketball team "Deering" with one female player, that aired from 1995–2000. It aired on Saturday mornings on NBC as part of the network's TNBC morning block. It was created by Troy Searer, Robert Tarlow, and Mark Fink. The show lasted six seasons, during which the cast was changed almost in its entirety. Only two cast members stayed with the show throughout its entire run, similar to Saved by the Bell: The New Cl...
After the death of his wife, Danny enlists his best friend and his brother-in-law to help raise his three daughters, D.J., Stephanie, and Michelle....
The Bradys is a six-episode American drama series that aired on CBS in 1990. It was a revival of the early 1970s sitcom, The Brady Bunch, and was about the trials and tribulations of the extended Brady family some 15 years after the end of the earlier series. It followed two earlier short-lived spin-off/continuation series: The Brady Bunch Hour and The Brady Brides....
On her sixteenth birthday, Sabrina Spellman discovers she has magical powers. She lives with her 600-year-old aunts Hilda and Zelda as well as talking cat Salem in the fictional town of Westbridge, Massachusetts....
On her sixteenth birthday, Sabrina Spellman discovers she has magical powers. She lives with her 600-year-old aunts Hilda and Zelda as well as talking cat Salem in the fictional town of Westbridge, Massachusetts....
Some time after the Mousekewitz's have settled in America, they find that they are still having problems with the threat of cats. That makes them eager to try another home out in the west, where they are promised that mice and cats live in peace. Unfortunately, the one making this claim is an oily con artist named Cat R. Waul who is intent on his own sinister plan....
A young mouse named Fievel and his family decide to migrate to America, a "land without cats," at the turn of the 20th century. But somehow, Fievel ends up in the New World alone and must fend off not only the felines he never thought he'd have to deal with again but also the loneliness of being away from home....
A friendly troll with a magic green thumb grows one flower too many for the queen, whose laws require all trolls to be mean ugly and scare humans whenever possible. As a punishment, he is exiled to a world of concrete, where he should live a life of proper trolldom: Manhattan....
A retired pool hustler is forced to pick up the stick again when his brother starts a game he can't finish....
Using fossilized DNA, a scientist resurrects one of nature's most fearsome predators, a sabretooth tiger. Scientific ambition turns deadly, however, when the creature escapes and begins savagely stalking its prey - the human race....
A down-on-his-luck cop runs into harder times when he is searching for a missing woman...
In the eerie backdrop of the Lousiana bayou, former inmate Frank sees the opportunity of a lifetime in the form of cursed cash. But this cash has a price of its own. Avenging the death of his brother at the hands of police officer Sam Merchant, Frank, with Jezabelle, form a sadistic plan of vengeance mixing violent rituals and voodoo curses. But Merchant's son A.J. escapes almost certain death. Now, in order to save his family and himself, A.J. is pitted into a deadly standoff with ancient evil....
Transplanted from New York, Duke and his brother Frankie Romano live in a rundown LA apartment with their alcoholic mother (Karen Black)....
Saul Schwartz, a married successful businessman, is bored with his life and decides he has had enough. So he gets a divorce, quits his job, and goes off to pursue his dream, in Hollywood to be a movie star. Only becoming a movie star isn't as easy as he thought. Nobody wants an overweight, 50 year old, New Yorker who looks like a lawyer. He's going to have to make a few adjustments....
Jack Morgan is a dog therapist, once famous for being able to read his dog's mind. Although Jack cannot read the minds of other dogs, he still operates a canine mind-reading business, without divulging his inability to customers. Mr. Mooney and his wife bring their dog to see Jack. Dissatisfied with Jack's inability to read his dog's mind, Mr. Mooney, who is a friend of the city mayor, threatens to have his business closed down. After the Mooneys leave, a wealthy man named Clyde Windsor brings h...
Mr. Twitchell, a greedy old businessman, has invented Summer Wheeze: a spray that instantly removes snow and slush! Now Holly has to keep Frosty from melting, and convince everybody that snow's actually a good thing....
Ben Healy and his social climbing wife Flo adopt fun-loving seven year old Junior. But they soon discover he's a little monster as he turns a camping trip, a birthday party and even a baseball game into comic nightmares....
A boy named Chad starts out living in Michigan. His best friend, Paul, is trying to decide if he should come out or not to his parents. He decides he's going to come out to his parents, and his parents are right-wing type, Midwest-type parents, and they don't take it very well....
The rats and mice, made intellectually superior in the original Secret of N.I.M.H., return to Thorn Valley to groom their destined leader - young Timmy Brisby....
When an alien race and factions within Starfleet attempt to take over a planet that has "regenerative" properties, it falls upon Captain Picard and the crew of the Enterprise to defend the planet's people as well as the very ideals upon which the Federation itself was founded....
PJ is an orphan with no last name and she has a special wish, she wants someone to love. One night while out riding her grey horse Blaze, PJ gets her wish. The "Wishing Star" shines its magic light on her and her horse and PJ is transported to the gray world of Twinkle Town. There she meets three new friends, Glimmer, Glowee, and Sparks, three lonely children who live there and have been wishing for someone to love them. The Wishing Star has turned Blaze into a beautiful white talking horse and ...