A fast-paced reality show that follows several incredibly busy and ambitious Manhattan women. Watch as they balance envious social calendars, challenging careers, and motherhood, with the hustle and bustle of the big city all around....
Sherri Shepherd, actress, comic, and Emmy Award-winning longtime co-host of "The View", appears before a live audience with a daily dose of pop culture, comedy, conversations, and daytime talk staples, including celebrity and human interest interviews;...
Bravo network executive Andy Cohen discusses pop culture topics with celebrities and reality show personalities....
Kelly Clarkson presents the biggest newsmakers and names in film, television and music; as well as emerging new talent and everyday people who are beacons of hope in their communities....
You may not know her name, but chances are you have seen Ubah Hassan in commercials for Macy's or Ralph Lauren. This short film takes you into the world of this up-and-coming model, whose life has not always been picture perfect....