The Ancient Dogoo Girl is a Japanese comedy tokusatsu series directed by Noboru Iguchi, director of The Machine Girl and RoboGeisha. The show airs on MBS every Wednesday night at 25:25 JST. The ending theme is Denki Groove's "Dareda!". In October 2010, Dogoo Girl premiered its sequel The Ancient Dogoo Girls. The show adds five more Dogoo Girls portrayed by Misaki Momose, Rina Takeda, Manami Nomoto, Maria Yoshikawa, and Haruka Dan. The theme song for the sequel is "Bakuha Seyo! Dogoon V"....
The Shark Island Incident was thought to be a joke, with 2chan users discussing a fictitious incident in a setting where they were not allowed to talk about it with other 2chan users. However, the threads were posted as usual, "I want to know the truth of the case," and the participants began to talk about the details of the Shark Island Incident, saying, "I have no choice but to tell you the truth then.......