The story revolves around Vinh, the top performing student and Thu Khoa, the class monitor who is at the bottom of the class....
Erik is forced to move to an island to get away from his past, but you don't easily run away from rumours, and a broken past....
Erik is forced to move to an island to get away from his past, but you don't easily run away from rumours, and a broken past....
FIGHT FOR LOVE is a story about An Binh, a guy who is so self-conscious about his appearance because of burn scars from his childhood that he doesn't have the courage to pursue his musical dream and always has to hide behind a mask when singing. On the contrary, Minh Thang is a strong, open-minded guy who dares to say and do. Because of an incident, the two have the opportunity to meet and open up a love story that is both interesting and humorous, and equally touching about the journey of overc...