The new employee Kazuma, who returned to Tokyo from America, reunites with his close friend from middle school, Ren, who is currently working as the top designer at their company. It is their first meeting since the abrupt farewell during their third year in middle school, 10 years ago. Ren was his best friend and his first love. He is as strong and good-looking as ever… And Kazuma is happy just being with him. However, Ren avoids the subject of their time in middle school rather unnaturally and...
A spinoff to Kudoki Monku featuring Kou's fantasized boyfriends making her breakfast and the two eating together....
The charm of 'EBiDAN' is spreading everywhere! A challenging variety show with about 60 members gathered! This program is a challenging variety show where EBiDAN members grow with 'DAN! DAN!' as the concept, and their charm spreads to the world! Various unique projects are featured, such as discovering each member's strengths and showcasing individual personalities, as well as projects that go beyond the boundaries of the group. Exclusive and one-of-a-kind segments that can only be seen on EBiD...
Miyata, a business magazine editor who just entered the 10th year of his career and receives a proposal for a new column from a popular college professor named Iwanaga, who happens to be his first love. Miyata promised to elope with Iwanaga in their high school years, but got teased for it, leading to their eventual breakup. With their new professional reunion, a relationship both old and new begins....
Kyoto heiress Rio Yuki enters a loveless marriage at 16 with tech CEO Masatomo Takamine. Ten years later, a spirited battle of wills ensues when Rion moves to Tokyo to demand a divorce, seeking freedom while Masatoshi fights to win her heart....