As the chaos in Yong'an escalates, Shen Zhen finds herself navigating the harsh realities of the streets, her sheltered existence shattered. Meanwhile, Lu Shiyan's pursuit of justice becomes intertwined with his unexpected connection to Shen Zhen, leading them both into an uncertain future. Despite the odds stacked against them, their collaboration leads to significant revelations about the West Canal collapse. However, as they draw closer to the truth, they also attract the attention of a formi...
After narrowly escaping an abusive pearl farm, a young woman with unmatched talent carves out her own fate as treachery meets the world of jewelry....
Ji Xing, a technical talent who works diligently in a technology company, resigned resolutely in order to realize her dream and embarked on the road of entrepreneurship. The team formed by Ji Xing and her younger brother was in jeopardy at the beginning of the business. Just when there was no hope, Ji Xing won the support of Han Ting, President of Dongyang Technology, with his unique insights. With Han Ting's investment, the startup Xingchen is finally on the right track. But Ji Xing "lost" her ...