Ultraman Blazar is a hero with a great sense of justice hailing from “M421,” an extragalactic astronomical object far from Earth. The main protagonist, Gento Hiruma, is the captain of the Special Kaiju Reaction Detachment (SKaRD), established by the Global Guardian Force (GGF) in a world where kaiju disasters are a common practice. When their strong desire for the power to save human lives resonates, the two unite....
A wave of kaiju emerges from an industrial zone, prompting Capitan Gento and the SKaRD to engage in the relentless battle. Yet despite their efforts, the endless kaiju attack continues. Suspecting a link to Necromass Co., an advanced chemical company that researches kaiju carcasses and owns factories in the industrial zone, SKaRD rushes to the company’s CEO and renowned chemist, Dr. Mabuse. At Necromass Co.’s research facility, Dr. Mabuse explains the development of the damudoxin, a substance o...