Nano Invaders follows the eye-popping adventures of Hikaru, 11, who is dragged into a series of battles between two rival alien clans. One day Hikaru tries on a bracelet that belongs to his classmate Mimi and he turns into a monster. Mimi’s family is a special scouting unit from planet Anima. When alien invaders from a rival planet Damon attack the city, Hikaru joins force with Mimi’s family to fight back. The battle gets on the TV, making Hikaru and the aliens instant heroes. Simple-minded Hika...
Continues the story of Tianming from where the 3rd season left off....
Features preteens involved in the competition and challenges in the world of Chinese chess....
Formally a paradise for all cats, the Cat Land Purpetua has been invaded and occupied by the dark lord AN, aided by his enslaved mutant monsters. The evil chaos reigns throughout the Purpetua and leads everything down to a wrong path. Only Jing-Ju Cats can overthrow An and resist the forces of evil chaos. A cat named LIL'PAI from the Clangour Town was once rescued by a Jing- Ju Cat at a very young age. He swore to be a great Jing-Ju Cat when he grows up. Once in a fight with monsters, he met the...
Weslie and his crew discover an evil mechanical dragon who defeats Wolffy as he was attempting to capture the goats, but a series of good dragons rescue Weslie and the goats. The good dragons say that evil dragons have taken over their world, and they need the help of the goats....
The self-righteous, genius little ape disrupts the tribe's annual hunt. For the sake of the tribe's livelihood, the dads have to go deep into the unknown forest to hunt down their prey. However, the legendary dreadful bugs make the dads routed, and the womanizer Bell's dad even fails to return to the tribe. In order to prove himself, the little ape ignores the tribe's ban, the elders' strict rules, and the obstruction of his partners, and resolutely rushes to the forest with Bell. At this time, ...
The three little pigs are rescued by the Kung Fu Warriors Pan and Da when they are in danger for being naughty, so the pigs follow them to learn Kung Fu. However, when the pigs realize that the two warriors are not as powerful as they thought, they are determined to defeat the Kung Fu Monster Wolf on their own, but their impulsiveness and rashness leads to even greater disasters. Kung Fu Monster Wolf to the three little pigs as blackmail, forcing Ah Pan and Ada again, ability and responsibility,...