"Who is Pom Pom? How come you don't know me? Hoo! Nobody really knows me, because sometimes I'm like this, sometimes I'm like that. I can change my shape amazingly: if I want, I am like a fur patch, or a wig, or one-finger fur gloves turned inside out, or a room-painting scrub, or a cotton tassel on the toe of a slipper. Now I look most like a fur hat, sitting on the branch, a nice long branch, up-heh-heh-heh, down-heh-heh-heh, as a breeze sways the branch..."...
Stephen, living in a troubled family, breaks into a grocery store and wreaks vandalism. He is sent to a reform school. Later he works in a cleaning brigade and accidentally meets József Draskóczi, who denounced him. Draskóczi lives in an unloving, troubled atmosphere with his barren daughter and cynical son-in-law, ascetic about his youthful communist beliefs. He feels responsible for Istvan's fate, offering him a human voice and love. Despite his daughter's hysterical jealousy, he sends Istvan ...