The world is thrown into chaos when the public learns that in just ten days’ time, a massive meteorite will hit the Earth, likely wiping out the entire human race. This horrific news has sent a young man working in a dead-end office job named Masumi Nishina into shock. But he soon makes peace with his destiny and decides to return to his college library, where he intends to read books in a tranquil setting while he waits for the end to come. But this decision proves to be a major mistake – as i...
A story centered around a woman who, after a certain incident, vows never to fall in love again. However, by chance, she ends up living in a luxury penthouse together with a group of young male celebrities, who each have their own quirks....
Yuzuhara Miku is a temporary employee who works for a reception desk at a department store. She has low self-confidence and worries about what others think of her, but she is clueless when it comes to makeup. Her elite lawyer boyfriend, Haruhisa, however, constantly tells her he prefers seeing her that way, so she wears minimal makeup because he favours her “modest” look....
A serious eldest sister, a reckless second sister, an easygoing third sister, and a stubborn fourth sister. After overcoming various love issues, what happy ending awaits each of the four?...