A love story revolving around childhood sweethearts, Ling Chao and Xiao Tu, who journey through youth and share experiences in sadness and joy together. Since he was a child, Ling Chao always knew that his mother preferred daughters. Coincidentally, their neighbor's family has a daughter, Xiao Tu, who is the same age as him. Ling Chao eventually became her god-brother. The both of them have grown up competing with each other, so he demands perfection in everything. He is the smartest child in k...
It tells the story of He Jiu Ling, the youngest daughter of General He Liang of the Jialin Kingdom, who studied at Wuhua Mountain of Xuantian Sanren. He Jiu Ling really likes to wear red clothes and has a mischievous personality. However, her life changes forever when she meets Rong Yu, the chief of the Jialin National Astrology Hall. Rong Yu is a very gentle and kind man, with a very handsome appearance and a cold personality....
Zhang Yimeng, who lives in the present day, is convinced that she is a princess who has travelled from the ancient state of Xi, and she tries by all means to return to the past. An unexpected faint brings her back to the ancient state, where everything feels familiar yet strange. However, this is actually a treatment planned for her by her father and psychiatrist Jingcheng! What is fiction and what is reality? The twists and turns will make you surprised....
During the Republic of China, Feng Xiao, the adopted son of a wealthy businessman, and Lin Wanxiu, the adopted daughter of a warlord, are married but must navigate troubled times while concealing their true identities. Despite their deep love for each other, they face numerous challenges, including conflicts between their families and dangerous conspiracies. Ultimately, their love and teamwork help them overcome misunderstandings and thwart a major plot against national treasures....
Xie Yun, a noblewoman of the Xie family, is strong-willed and intelligent. After her family fell into trouble, she was saved by Yin Ji and stayed by his side. However, due to a misunderstanding in their youth, the two continued to be entangled in a sadomasochistic relationship. Xie Yun and Yin Ji gradually resolved their misunderstandings in their love, worked together to break the conspiracy of the traitor,...
Su Ke, a member of the archaeology club, accidentally activates a general's order during a field trip and is transported to the ancient kingdom of Wu. There, she is drawn into General Dai Yu's investigation of mysterious murders. Facing numerous threats, Su Ke teams up with Dai Yu to uncover the truth, only to discover unexpected connections to her past and former classmates, complicating her journey even further....
Wang Xinyan, a brilliant investment director, infiltrates Minglan Group with a hidden agenda: to avenge the family that destroyed her life. As she seeks justice for her younger brother’s tragic death, her plans take an unexpected turn when she becomes entangled in a turbulent web of love and conflict with Jin Group's heir, Jin Yelei, and his uncle, Jin Xuyan....
When the smart and capable boss Yu Xiling meets the athletic and energetic student Gu Zhaohe, their first encounter starts with a misunderstanding, sparking mutual teasing and attraction. Who will be the first to give in?...
People from Xiangxi have a deep love for their homeland and a tradition of returning to their roots, like fallen leaves. Coupled with the rugged local geography, this gave rise to the profession of "corpse drivers." Long Qiyi and his apprentice Long Ping'an are renowned corpse drivers in the local town. Twenty years ago, Long Qiyi encountered the most dreaded situation for a corpse driver - a dead-end path. Twenty years later, with the appearance of a headless corpse, a series of eerie events be...